
Headquartered in Carson City, Nevada, Health First Technologies (GOHFT) offers a variety of nutritional products through a multilevel marketing channel. Being a newer Company entering the market place, a healthy dose of due diligence was going to be in order. The first order business was making sense of HFT's compensation plan that is a traditional MLM.

As I reviewed information provided online by Google, I kept seeing a reoccurring theme. Health First Technologies Compensation Plan has multiple bonus streams and a “Powerline Power Pool” for enrollments. I'm not sure exactly what this was or how it helped new home business owners become profitable right away, so I chalked it up to renaming the old style MLM compensation plan.

More and more home business owners are realizing the business model of MLM's provides a fraction of the compensation that the new GPT model does. For all of the work required to build a massive downline, it doesn't seem right that you should also be required to purchase and stock physical inventory as is required by Health First Technologies. This is where their marketing became very cleaver.

Because you'll be required to stock inventory to get started with HFT, they are offering a financing program on their products. This certainly seems to go against the trend of most new “top tier direct sales” company's GPT compensation plans. The reason more home business owners are opting this new business model (among other things) is you aren't required to stock physical inventory or purchase products upfront.

With all this being said, I began searching for the training that was sure to be offered with a company selling nutritional products and complex medical equipment. It's tough to be in business if ample training on the product as well as marketing isn't offered as part of the package. From what I could find on Google (or not), HFT has no mention of training for their new consultants… YIKES!

The truth is there are very few companies that are offering all of the benefits one needs in a home business. At the top of list is online marketing training (60% of all commerce is now done conducted on the internet) and a lucrative GPT compensation plan that doesn't require multiple levels of marketing. I assure you though, if you are savvy about doing your due diligence you will find these companies. But be cautious of all the impostors along the way of selling you everything under the sun and not putting anything back in your pocket.


Source by Nat Ferguson