
Everyone wants to look attractive. People were designed to attract a mate particularly shown in the survival of the fittest. This is one of the reasons why a lot of guys want to look more handsome. The good is that there is a way to be more attractive to the opposite sex.

First, you need to deal with your fashion and style. People become attracted to each other physically. We cannot deny that physical appearance is extremely important if you are trying to get a mate. Fashion and style are important in this stage. You need to learn how to pick clothes that suit you. They should not be expensive or too classy. They should be clothes you are comfortable wearing however you need to make sure that they are presentable enough to show the public. You also do not need to buy new clothes every now and then. Be creative. Mix and match your clothes. Create your own fashion style. Create a style that would represent you. If you are having difficulty in improving your fashion, have some friends help you out. Comments from people who care area always important to change for the best.

Second, you need to improve your attitude and personality. Be you! Some people are too insecure that they try to mimic others. As a result, they deviate from who they really are and they are becoming strangers. This is something you would never want to happen to you. You need to have your own personality. Have a unique character that will define you from others. Do not mind so much about what others will say about you. As long as you are happy and people see that, people will accept you. It will more difficult to accept a person who does not even know how to accept his own self. Be more confident because confidence is the best thing you can use to attract women. You should also make yourself more approachable. Smile to people and you will find it fulfilling when they smile back at you.

Third, you need to learn proper grooming. It is always good to be neat. It is not too difficult to do this but it will take time of course. You have to make sure that your fingernails are always neat and trimmed. Men should always do this because you are not putting nail polish and nail art. You should also style your hair from time to time. The hair creates a big difference in the appearance of a person. Therefore, take time to find out which hair style really suits you. You need to take care of your skin as well. Men should also be considerate of their skin condition, not only women. If you have a great skin, more girls will be attracted to you. A good skin will also give the impression that your hygiene is really good. Lastly, you need to exercise. Become fit and develop a great body. This will definitely make women want you.


Source by Aline Heller