Most of the famous cosmetics companies produce oily liquid foundations with an ingredient list full of chemicals, waxes and oils. Liquid foundations usually move and settle into fine lines, wrinkles and pores, exaggerating them and ultimately making user look older. More importantly they always leave a very unnatural looking “Shiny White Mask” on skin. They need constant touch ups throughout the day to remove oil or keep the coverage.
This is where Aqua Elements makeup comes in and helps us. Aqua Elements makeup package has a very special foundation powder with water infused into it through “Aqua-Fusion” process. When this powder is applied on face we feel as if there is water on our brush as water is infused into this powder.
Here is how it works. They use silica beads, which are hollow and will absorb as well as hold in water. Water is infused into the silica beads in a stainless steel agitating blender with pressure and temperature controls. Once the water infusion is complete, the remaining formula ingredients are added and the process is complete. The water filled silica bead will break open by the warmth of skin providing immediate moisturizing benefits.
Aqua Elements uses minerals which include Malachite, Hematite and Smithsonite which are imported from France. These minerals have anti-aging beauty benefits and anti-oxidant benefits for the skin.
It also has naturally matte and oil absorbing ingredients Silica and Rice Powder which keeps the makeup fresh . There is no need to give touch ups throughout the day to remove oil or keep the coverage one had when first applied. Aqua Elements keeps skin matte and the coverage in place all day. You can just set it and forget it.
Aqua Elements makeup package includes Base Elements, Color Elements and Lip Elements. Base elements include water infused foundation powder, sheer concealer and spot concealers, loose powder brush, spot/sheer concealer duo brush. Color Elements include a loose powder which is made with the Aqua-Infusion process and different color shades ( pink, yellow, olive or brown), eye shadow duo brush, color enhance eyeliner. Lip Elements include Aqua plump lipstick, lip pencil.
This makeup is suitable for younger as well as older skin. It is gentle on sensitive skin. Anyone can use this irrespective of the skin color as they have different shades for different skin colors.
Source by Preethy Sharma